Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The World According to the Volcano (Part 3)

This is the third and final piece (at the moment) to my theory, "The World According to the Volcano". In this theory, I will tackle how the volcano explains possible time travel on the island, Walt's age, and how the others have energy (electricity n' such). Once again, you have to read the first two parts to understand this.

IV. Time Travel

a. OK, remember in part 2 how I talked about the island being on a fast-moving plate on the Earth's surface? Well, what if it was a really, really fast moving plate? Like the speed of light fast. So if it was say three months since the plane crashed on island, like it has been for Oceanic 815, then it could be three years off island.

b. This can also explain Walt's growth. Let's pretend that Michael and Walt do make it off of the island. If he was off the island for a month, that might be a whole year for off island, and due to his age, that's a lot of time to grow.

V. Energy for all!

Ben made a joke in passing to Locke in "The Man from Tallahassee", about having giant hamsters on wheels giving them energy. I think it just is just using geothermal energy using the volcano lava to create electricity.

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