Monday, October 15, 2007

"He'll Be Wondering Where I Am"

"He'll Be Wondering Where I Am"

Freighters, Deaths, Flash-forwards, Oh My! The season three finale had all of this and much, much more. For example, we now have about 80 new questions to answer. I’ll try and solve at least one of them right now. Kate tells Jack at the very end “He’ll be wondering where I am” (or something to that effect).

Very simply, she’s not going back to someone she’s in love with. It’s probably the opposite. She’s going back to a parole officer or someone like that while she waits to go on trial. I mean, you didn’t think she was just getting away with blowing someone up, even if she does spend three months on a deserted island and turn into someone who looks like an angel the second she’s rescued.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Jacob: The Energizer Bunny (Part 2)

II. Future – Locke
Now let’s talk about bunnies. Everyone loves Bunnies! But how do they apply to this theory? Everyone by this point has seen the Orchid Orientation Video and the rabbits there which appear to either be clones or (I think) the same rabbit from different times, like one from the future and one from the present. There is the classic movie plot point where a person from the future goes back in time and tries to do something in the past, but can’t come across themselves from the past (like Harry Potter 3). If they do see themselves, something awful will happen and time will collapse on it self, or whatever. Jacob is future – Locke, and Locke can’t see or interact with him or something awful will happen. “Jacob” had come back to do something on the island somehow, someway, and Ben managed to trap him somehow, and essentially asked himself for help.

Personally, I like the first part of the theory better, but I’d be willing to accept the second one too.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Jacob: The Energizer Bunny (Part 1)

This is the first of my two part theory giving two different options of what Jacob might be.

Jacob: The Energizer Bunny

Now what do I mean by Jacob being "The Energizer Bunny"? As everyone knows, "The Energizer Bunny" is a rabbit that runs on electricity. That statement combines both parts of my theory. One being that Jacob, instead of hating Locke's flashlight in The Man behind the Curtain, actually used it to his advantage. The second states that it is also possible (in light of the Orchid orientation video) that Jacob is a future Locke.

I. The Flashlight
Here's what I think. It's obvious that Ben didn't want Locke to use his flashlight in The Man behind the Curtain, and I don't think it was because Jacob doesn't like light. My theory is that Ben didn't want Locke to use the flashlight because Jacob's power (that we saw when Ben was thrown across the room) comes from electricity. You all saw that Jacob has a pretty bare hut, without anything that might make electricity. That's because Ben is holding him captive in that hut, keeping him very weak because he is essentially powered by electricity. John turning on the flashlight gave Jacob a split second chance to try and escape, and lashed out. Locke ran out of the hut, making the electricity out of range of Jacob, and making him forced to calm down.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The World According to the Volcano (Part 3)

This is the third and final piece (at the moment) to my theory, "The World According to the Volcano". In this theory, I will tackle how the volcano explains possible time travel on the island, Walt's age, and how the others have energy (electricity n' such). Once again, you have to read the first two parts to understand this.

IV. Time Travel

a. OK, remember in part 2 how I talked about the island being on a fast-moving plate on the Earth's surface? Well, what if it was a really, really fast moving plate? Like the speed of light fast. So if it was say three months since the plane crashed on island, like it has been for Oceanic 815, then it could be three years off island.

b. This can also explain Walt's growth. Let's pretend that Michael and Walt do make it off of the island. If he was off the island for a month, that might be a whole year for off island, and due to his age, that's a lot of time to grow.

V. Energy for all!

Ben made a joke in passing to Locke in "The Man from Tallahassee", about having giant hamsters on wheels giving them energy. I think it just is just using geothermal energy using the volcano lava to create electricity.

The World According to the Volcano (Part 2)

This is part 2 of my theory about how looking at the volcano, we can solve a lot of the mysteries about the island. In this part of the theory, I will tackle the first half of the actual theory, involving How the island can't be found, the swan station, the incident, and the crash of flight 815. If you haven't read part 1, go back and read that first.

III. Why can't the island be found?

a. My theory about this is that the island is on its own solitary plate on the Earth (see part 1). What makes it unable to be found is that it moves faster than the usual speed of a plate, making it never be in the same place twice because of the large amount of magma underneath the active volcano on the island. Dharma discovered this and set up shop on the island, and created what is essentially an electromagnetic bubble around the island, that they somehow have the ability to manipulate the properties of. This allows them to choose which colors they want to absorb and in what spots they want (from the sunlight). This would allow Dharma to completely hide the island, making it appear to be nothing but ocean from, say, a satellite photo.

b. To keep control of this 'bubble', Dharma created a station on the island, entitled "The Swan". In 1980, when we presume the incident occurred, the volcano erupted, and the resulting ash cloud that disrupted the "bubble". It caused a release of the electromagnetic energy, which was the incident. Dharma could have left it at that, stopping it forever, but they were greedy and wanted this place to themselves. Not being able to control the bubble completely, they added the now infamous button to the Swan station, to release the energy before the bubble "popped".

c. So then, on September 22, 2004, Oceanic flight did just that. When Desmond didn't push the button, flight 815 was already over the bubble, and when it popped, the plane crashed, kind of explained in the show, but I thought I'd still post it.

The World According to the Volcano (Part 1)

This is an incredibly long theory, so to avoid making the post too long, I'll post it in increments in outline form. This is part one, the introduction and what you need to know to understand this theory.

The World according to the Volcano

I. Introduction

In this theory, I will attempt to explain most of the big mysteries on the island (why it couldn't be found, the crash of the plane, the swan station, the incident, and time travel) using real and pseudoscience. To understand this theory, you will need a basic of three concepts:

II. Required Knowledge

  • The movement of the Earth's plates - Super-heated "sheets" of the Earth's crust (surface) move around because of underground lava flow, causing the ever changing shape of the ocean and continents.
  • Light reflection & refraction - The sun shoots its light to the Earth and the atmosphere (for this theory, picture it as a thin bubble surrounding the Earth). The Sun's rays are white, and white light means you are looking at all of the colors in the rainbow at once. The atmosphere absorbs all of the colors except blue, making the sky blue because that is the only color that shows left.
  • Real life "Time Travel" - Yes folks, time travel is real, well, for light at least. That's because to time travel, you need to be moving at the speed of light, and nothing with a mass can move at that speed (which logically means light has no mass). You know that scene from the Superman movie where Lois Lane dies, and Superman flies around the Earth so fast that time begins to go backwards? It's the same idea. For example, if a person made of light went up into space in a spaceship made of light, then orbited the Earth at the speed of light for a year, and then came back, while it only seemed to be a year to aforementioned light-person, it might have been 30 years to those on Earth. That's all I'm going to say about this because I'm way under qualified to go in any more in depth about this subject.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Frenchie's Freighter

I've been circulating this theory a lot at the fuselage and things like that, but I love it and have decided to post it here. A lot of my theories may be long and take a while to read, so just prepare yourselves.

I have been a long time subscriber to the theory that Danielle was lying about her past, and this theory was something that came to me while listening to The Official Lost Podcast for comic-con. Damon had said that they would hope to get to crazy Frenchie's past when certain things lined up, and they also wouldn't say when Michael would return to the show. . . Then I thought... what if those two things are intertwined and proved my belief correct? What if, say:

What if the freighter isn't Penny's Boat or Dharma Initiative?

Michael was picked up by the freighter like some people had theorized?

What if we will see him when the freighter/helicopter comes to "rescue" everyone?

What if we see Michael's time on the boat in a flashback?

And what if we see him interrogated on the freighter by a man desperately searching for his long lost lover, Danielle Rousseau?

Yes, my theory is that Rousseau lied about everything, ran off for some reason with the Dharma Initiative after giving birth (possibly Robert [father of Alex] was abusive or something like that, and she was promised money, a good job, and a quality education for Alex, and ran off to the island with Alex, close to the time of the purge). So she is inducted into the others during the purge. She does something the others don't like and is banished, and separated from Alex, goes into hiding and is left alone by the others. The story she tells the survivors (killing her team) was probably her essentially telling them all of her fantasies. The names of the research team members are of people she hated off of the island, and blames them for driving her to this place. She also is afraid of what the Losties would do to her if she told them she was an other long ago.


Robert eventually becomes much less abusive and is very remorseful about what happened. He desperately wants to find Danielle and his daughter. Like most fathers in this show, he is very rich and powerful, with endless resources. After years of searching, he is led to an area where there are large amounts of disappearances. He is on a freighter, and finds a man and his son on a little fishing boat, in the middle of the ocean. He interrogates Michael and finds out about the island, and picks up the transmission from the survivors.

He will eventually come to the island and find Alex and Rousseau, his dream come true. This is a little more of a stretch, but it would be cool to see Rousseau kill him in a moment of temporary insanity (and also see her flashbacks the same episode), and then killed herself by one of the other people on the freighter, or even a Lostie, because she killed him. Alex then leaves the island with Karl because they both have too many bad memories of the island.


Welcome all, this is The Lost Crackpot, this is the place where I (formerly of the Next Week On Lost blog, Painki11er on the Fuselage) will post all of my LOST related theories that pop into my head. Look forward to theories about why I don't trust Danielle, who was going to be looking for Kate in the Flash-Forward, how the Volcano explains everything (Updated with Pseudoscience!!!), and my old pastime, ranting about Vincent. Enjoy your stay and please come back!